Derek Dresback posted an update
So I buy 10 Skullcandy in-ear head phones. I get ungated for the brand name. I go to list the item & then this comes up! (See Below)
Boy, Amazon wants your blood & soul just to get a listing on there site it seems! LOL
Now What?
Transparency enabled products have a bar code containing a serial number applied to the product packaging by the manufacturer. These codes can be available in the following formats:
1. 26 digit, alpha-numeric identifier beginning with AZ; or ZA (E.g.:AZ:L1Z2H38F4C5Q6R7E5K6Z1C2K3E; total length 29 characters). This will be in the form of a 2D bar code with a “T” logo near it.
2. A Serialized Global Trade Item Number or SGTIN (e.g. 0100376204200301214P10ZMT7D8B81EMF4WW3; total length is 38 characters). This will be in the form of a 2D bar code with a “T” logo near it.
If you cannot find a 2D barcode with a “T” logo, look for a serial number barcode that is between 7-20 characters long. The serial number can be a 1D or 2D code, and will likely include the pre-fix “SN”. The serial number will be applied to the same side of the packaging as the GTIN (UPC/EAN/ISBN) barcode. You are required to confirm you have serial number barcodes on the products you are trying to list on Amazon through this application process.
Hi Derek! If you scroll down a little bit you will see a video Adam just posted yesterday all about Transparency Codes! The short answer is you won’t be able to list and sell that item but please watch his video! 😉
Derek – just a bit of advice – BEFORE making a post, PLEASE search this newsfeed for the answer to your question. Melissa is correct – not only did I post this video yesterday, it’s also in the Videos tab on the Community navigation. It will save yourself and everyone else so much time if you can follow those steps. Thanks so much!
Nothing like making a person feel dumb Adam! I’m not going to tell you I stayed up half the night trying to figure this out BEFORE getting in touch with you. There is just so much! You try to do it all right & something else pops up it seems. Just part of the learning curve for Amazon I guess. But I still like ya ADAM! LOL 🙂 Just frustrating & a LOT of hours put in learning all of Amazon’s rules. It’s all good though:-)