• Listed 4 products and I have all my check marks. Slowly going but its definitely worth the wait. 🙂

    Taunya Nesler
  • Profile photo of Sheila

    Sheila posted an update 2 days ago

    2 days ago

    Hi, I have sent my first order to Amazon (hasn’t listed yet). I have also sent my first order to the Prep Center. My question is, I’ve been approved for many products to resell, some bolo deals also, can I go ahead and send them to the Prep center even though my first order hasn’t listed on Amazon yet??

    • Hi Sheila, first you should never send send anything to the prep center until it has been listed. Second, I just posted a video earlier today that you really need to watch. Third, you should watch the replays of the 3 day event we just held. The video from earlier today is the single most important video you can watch right now.

      • Thank you Adam. The item I sent was listed on Amazon. I appreciate the videos a lot, started watching last night.

        • View 1 reply
    • Reply to Missing Tracking # for shipment to Amazon

      Yes, using seller central to create a shipping plan for Amazon. It isn’t a printer issues, its an issue with the label setup within seller central. Thank you.

    • Missing Tracking # for shipment to Amazon

      Hi I having issues with getting my label for my box to ship to Amazon. I have the labels for my product printed. When I go to print the box shipping label I am allowed but it is missing the tracking #.

    • I am trying to get signed up with EE Distribution and its says they ask for a ——-

      • DOMESTIC United States Accounts: Upload a copy of your sales tax exemption certificate (a.k.a. reseller certificate) for all states except Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, or Oregon. Provide a copy of your Federal Tax Employer Identification Number…

      Read more

      • Hi Sheila,

        What I would advise to do, is to fill out the application as best as you can. Not everything in the application is a required field to fill in. If it is a requirement to get a resale certificate, I would advise locating the department of revenue website from the state that your business resides in and you can apply to get a…

        Read more

        • Thanks Preston!

        • Just listed my first product to Amazon. Actually shipping it into Amazon. Once this is done I can send it to the prep center. Bit by bit, piece by piece I’m learning this! Thanks IM Community. 😍

          Karen Cunningham and adamg
        • Hi All,

          I’m sure this has been asked before. When I signed up for IM and was setting up my Amazon seller account I used my name. So my company name shows up as…wait for it!!! My name, first, middle, and last!! 🤦🏼‍♀️

          So…now what?

          adamg and Adam
          • Step 1: Log in to Amazon Seller Central
            Go to Amazon Seller Central. https://sellercentral.amazon.com
            Enter your login credentials to access your seller dashboard.

            Step 2: Access Your Account Settings
            In the top right corner, hover over the gear icon ⚙ (Settings).
            Click on “Account Info” from the dropdown menu.

            Step 3: Edit Your Display… Read more

            • Awesome, I was able to change to my co name. I was actually already doing those steps on my own but I believe the name I had picked was used and unavailable. Thanks so much.

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          • Corinne and adamg