Victor Shaul
Victor Shaul started the discussion Open Submissions in Prep Center in the forum All Things Tech Support 5 days ago
Open Submissions in Prep Center
In my Prep Center Open Submissions tab it is empty. I know there should be several items in there as I listed and submitted the prep form in Spyrivals for several items yesterday afternoon and over the past few days that I have not even ordered from the supplier.
Victor Shaul posted an update 6 days ago
Hi IM Friends,
I have about a dozen items that I have listed in the last few days with the oldest going back to February 26 that are not showing up in my listed items. Yet one I listed yesterday is in listed items waiting for the double checkmarks. I know it can take awhile but this seems like there is an issue.
Any advice is appreciated.
Hi Victor, if you are having a technical issue you would have to either open a forum chat with screenshots and specifics OR you can chat with tech support. There would be no way for anyone accurately answer a question like this without further info. Follow that process for more help. thx
Victor Shaul started the discussion Product not showing in all tabs in the forum All Things Tech Support a week ago
Product not showing in all tabs
The item in the center of the attachment with the blue dot is showing in my listed items tab. It is not in the repricer under inactive items. When I listed using spyrivals I did the prep center form at the same time. It is not showing in the prep center as submitted and it is not there as a choice to add it manually.
Victor Shaul posted an update a week ago
As I come to the end of month 2 of being part of IM I took a look at my progress. I currently am approved to sell at the brand level for 86 brands with all but one are based on my past performance. I have 75 ASINs and am starting to see sell through on a few of my listings. This month saw some revenue which will help out with cashflow.
I have…
Well done! Keep up the great work and we look forward to your continued progress!
Hey Victor – Congrats! You are off to an awesome start – can’t wait to see where this journey takes you! It’s going to be very exciting!. Leaderboard here you come…
Victor Shaul posted an update a week ago
So I tried searching and could not find an answer. So I have a couple of items that I got listed as a new student that are seasonable on the wrong side of the season. Enthusiastic rooky mistake wont happen again. I don’t want to encounter storage fees but want to minimize my loss and at least recoup some money while blowing out the…
Hi Victor – the best option is to use the RePricer. Set your minimum pricing. Do not make any changes in Seller Central – in fact, don’t even log in. Make the adjustments in the RePricer and let it work. FYI, if people aren’t interested in the item, the price might not matter. And if the goal is to “blowout the inventory” then you can’t…
Victor Shaul posted an update 2 weeks ago
Well I just got my first review and it is 1 star. The review was that the wrong product was received (a cleaned down version). 1 I dont understand how this could happen selling FBA. 2 What should I do about it?
Hi Victor,
You might be able to get the review removed/redacted by Amazon. Go to this link https://sellercentral.amazon.com/feedback-manager/index.html
You can then go to the review in question and request for removal (from the drop down selection of the review). Since it sounds like it is a product review.
If Amazon finds that the review is not… -
Thanks that worked. Any idea how a wrong product would make it through the process?
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