Victor Shaul posted an update
Well I just got my first review and it is 1 star. The review was that the wrong product was received (a cleaned down version). 1 I dont understand how this could happen selling FBA. 2 What should I do about it?
Hi Victor,
You might be able to get the review removed/redacted by Amazon. Go to this link https://sellercentral.amazon.com/feedback-manager/index.html
You can then go to the review in question and request for removal (from the drop down selection of the review). Since it sounds like it is a product review.
If Amazon finds that the review is not in compliance with their review policy they will strike it through and remove the negative review -
Thanks that worked. Any idea how a wrong product would make it through the process?
@victor_shaul_104 Not too sure. This is where some investigating will need to take place. Starting at the beginning from where you ordered the item from and going from there