• Big Hello, I was out of touch for a week, so I’m back peddle tonight and catching up on all things said and done, plus videos, that I missed in the first week of The Community, — I Love the new Platform, Thank you again Adam and the the whole team. I had one good day of using it last week, and believe it or not actual SMOKE came out of the side ports of my “very old, very out of date, very over loaded laptop.” – When the smoke cleared, then a wide Pink band went across the screen, apparently signifying its last breath. Geez such drama. I took a moment of silence, and didn’t skip a beat getting and setting up a trustworthy new up to date computer. What I love is I had followed enough rules and trainings, so i had product in place at Amazon, so while I was not connected nor in touch with anything hands on, -I still reached a GOAL i had set in place of making $10,000 in sales for my first 12 months with Internet Mastery, — I AM SO PLEASED, THANK YOU COACH KIM, Thank you Adam & all those who help train us, I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS PROGRAM. Lets all Stay the Course. I do like this quote: “What seems impossible today will feel inevitable tomorrow- if you keep pushing until its done.”

      Preston and Marilyn
      • Congratulations Karen for reaching your goal!! That’s awesome!🤩

        • Thank you Melissa, you’ve been so very instrumental to me and to all, -in some ways we will probably never even know. you simply have our back, thank you
