• Profile photo of Diana Gonzales

      Diana Gonzales posted an update

      a week ago (edited)

      I am a new member. Can someone help me, while filling out the Prep Center form, Under New Submission – Product List – where do I get the “*Select Product/Asin” information to populate the field?

      • Hi Diana, have you downloaded the prep center user guide (located at the top of Prep Center AI)? The ASIN is something you get from your Amazon account however if you simply type in the word that describes your item, the ASIN populates.

        • I did download Prep Center user guide and review. I was able to determine that the item I am attempting to list is not included in SpyRivals. In this situation how do I populate the “Select Product/ASIN” field? Or can I?

          • @diana_gonzales_62 Did you list it on Amazon already using Spyrivals? Spyrivals is attached to every listing on Amazon…. call the support hotline tomorrow if you still need help.